Repair crankshaft.Price includes crankshaft dismantling / assembly, repairing the existing connecting rod with new bearing shells, new crank pins, replacing the top eye bronze bushing, honing the bottom eye.
Titanium valveProx outlet titanium valveYear of construction 2011 - 2016
Titanium valve Prox inlet titanium valveYear of construction 2011 - 2016
PistonProx piston kit standard compression 13.5: 1 diameter 87,96 mmYear of construction 2011
Piston Prox piston kit standard compression 13.5: 1 diameter 87,97 mmYear of construction 2011
Piston Prox piston kit standard compression 13.5: 1 diameter 87,98 mmYear of construction 2011
Piston Prox piston kit higher compression 14.5: 1 diameter 87,96 mmYear 2011-2016
Piston Prox piston kit higher compression 14.5: 1 diameter 87,97 mmYear 2011-2016
Piston Vertex piston kit standard compression 13.5: 1 diameter 87,96 mmYear of construction 2011 - 2012.
Piston Vertex piston kit standard compression 13.5: 1 diameter 87,97 mmYear of construction 2011 - 2012.
Piston Vertex piston kit standard compression 13.5: 1 diameter 87,98 mmYear of construction 2011 - 2012.
Piston Vertex piston kit higher compression 14.0: 1 diameter 87.96 mmYear of construction 2011 - 2012.
Juntas Prox Compl. Kit de juntasPara el año de construcción 2011-2013
Juntas Prox top end Para el año de construcción 2011-2015